

My name is Chewbacca, and I am a hyper active dog

Trash diving? You bet. Taking my person on a walk, (more like extreme sidewalk surfing). Check! Not listening not answering when called

If you’re still reading this, you probably have a dog like me at home. Yes? Well, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You don’t have to live this way anymore. My person, Chloe was once in your badly chewed shoes.

So, what changed for her?

1. Education.

Totally frustrated, and tired of buying new shoes, Chloe enrolled in a training course. This course taught her something revolutionary: how to be a dog owner. How to communicate with me, and teach me how to be a good dog.

2. Every dog wants to be a good dog

This is what we believe at A Dog’s Tale. We believe in helping dogs and their people live better. We believe in hugs, and sloppy wet dog breath kisses. We believe in weekend adventures. We believe in the value of your time.

3. You humans are busy.

You have to work, pick up the kids from school, do the dishes, do your taxes, and vacuum, vacuum, vacuum up all that fur. It’s not easy, especially when you have a delinquent canine on your hands.

This is why our experienced trainers come to you, for a FREE IN HOME CONSULTATION. We meet your bad dog, talk with you about your needs, and come up with a training plan that’s the perfect fit for your family. We take the lead, so you can focus on life.